Avoid smoking during a Medical abortion.

Abortion is a medical process used for a pregnancy termination. Like any other medical process, medical abortion also has effects on body. So while recovering from effects of a medical abortion, what are the do's and don't that you need to follow know about it. Can You do smoking after a medical abortion : This one question roams in so many people mind. No, you cannot do smoking during a medical abortion procedure as the elements which are found in cigarettes are harmful for the body. Especially during a medical abortion procedure smoking can have a negative impact on the body, hence it is advised to avoid smoking during this period. Nicotine found in cigarette have a bad effect on nervous system therefore smoking in this phase can affect badly. How soon can you start smoking after a medical abortion: You should make sure that you have stopped smoking before buying abortion pills otherwise it will be very difficult to leave smoking habit during this process You ...