How to reduce belly fat abortion

Whether you do an abortion by medical abortion where you buy abortion pills online or from a pharmacy to do a pregnancy termination. Another method is surgical abortion in which surgical instruments are used for an abortion. After an abortion, it is very common to gain weight. But the one thing about which most women are concerned about is belly fat. And to reduce this belly fat, you will have to reduce your overall weight. Know about the things which you will have to follow to reduce belly fat. Green tea: Antioxidants boost the metabolism and green tea contains antioxidants which is useful in decreasing abdominal fat and lose weight. Avoid empty calories: If you have to loose weight and belly fat then avoid food items such as soda, candies cookies which contain empty calories are very important. Have a healthy diet: Including green vegetables, whole grain, low-fat dairy products are useful to keep body weight maintained . Such foods are helpful in increasing immu...