Is It Safe to Go Through Abortion Pill Reversal?

Wanting to end a pregnancy is one of the first reactions after conceiving without desiring to. In such a situation, you may choose an abortion pill for early termination. But down the line, if you think differently and decide to keep the pregnancy, then is it possible? Some providers offer abortion pill reversal (APR) treatment. Here, additional doses of pregnancy hormones are given to make up for the fallen progesterone levels. However, the success rate of the process is too low. Yet women may opt for it in dire consequences in order to save the pregnancy. In this post, we will explain to you the APR process and after which medicine for abortion it is more likely to retain the pregnancy. We will also take you through the efficacy of the APR and the side effects with other information. What is the Abortion Pill Reversal All About? If you change your mind about ending your pregnancy, then do not continue with Misoprostol medicine. But contact the clinic within 24 hours after Mifepri...