Is It Safe to Go Through Abortion Pill Reversal?

Wanting to end a pregnancy is one of the first reactions after conceiving without desiring to. In such a situation, you may choose an abortion pill for early termination. But down the line, if you think differently and decide to keep the pregnancy, then is it possible? Some providers offer abortion pill reversal (APR) treatment. Here, additional doses of pregnancy hormones are given to make up for the fallen progesterone levels. However, the success rate of the process is too low.

Yet women may opt for it in dire consequences in order to save the pregnancy. In this post, we will explain to you the APR process and after which medicine for abortion it is more likely to retain the pregnancy. We will also take you through the efficacy of the APR and the side effects with other information.

What is the Abortion Pill Reversal All About?

If you change your mind about ending your pregnancy, then do not continue with Misoprostol medicine. But contact the clinic within 24 hours after Mifepristone intake to increase the chances of getting the abortion pill process reversed. Some people even go for the treatment after 72 hours pass away. The healthcare provider will assess your condition to let you know if the pregnancy can be saved and you may have to go for a consultation at the soonest.

  •          An ultrasound scan of the abdomen will reveal if the pregnancy is still viable i.e. if the fetus has a heartbeat.

  •          And it will also inform you about how further you are into the pregnancy.

  •          If the scan finds the pregnancy is viable, the physician will provide you with the progesterone supplement by injection, vaginally, or orally.

  •          If you know how does the abortionpill work, then you will understand that Mifepristone binds to the receptors of the pregnancy hormone.

  •          This is why the healthcare provider will give additional progesterone to recover the lack of pregnancy hormone.

  •          You may have to continue taking the treatment for the rest of the first trimester. The idea is to make the body get the necessary dose of progesterone, which the Mifepristone had suppressed.

  •           But if the treatment does not work, then you will have to get the pregnancy ended. Know how to take abortion pills from your physician in case of an incomplete procedure.

Can APR Keep the Pregnancy Intact?

     If you use the abortion pill at home but change your mind midway about ending your pregnancy, then is it possible to stop the procedure without affecting your health? Studies say that women who take the progesterone treatment for medical abortion reversal only benefit 64-68% of the time. This means the risk of failure is greater. Also, you have to spend separately on the procedure, making it more expensive than your previous one. If the pregnancy will survive or not, there is no guarantee.

     But if you buy Cytotec 200 mg online and complete its dose after Mifepristone, then the success of abortion pill reversal decreases to 50%. This is because Cytolog induces labor, which makes the uterus contract often. The medicine results in dispelling pregnancy portions from the womb and you may already start bleeding. The bleeding is heavy and contains large blood clots and pregnancy tissues, the sac, and the embryo. Thus, the pregnancy sections already start to pass out, making it difficult to reverse the procedure safely.

Side Effects of Abortion Pill Reversal

     The abortion pill side effects from the reversal process are firstly incomplete pregnancy termination. It can raise several health issues and cause death as discussed earlier. Also, there is no surety about how your body will react to additional doses of progesterone. It can result in issues such as sleepiness, headaches, dizziness, nausea, and low energy. No matter which nutritious diet you follow and drink a sufficient amount of water, the pregnancy tissues partly shed, still remain in the uterus, and the profuse bleeding continues.

     The success rate of such a treatment is quite low and highly unreliable. Also, the effects of abortion pills such as uterine contractions, take out almost all the products of conception before you initiate the reversal procedure. You will encounter cramping and pain, which can intensify if any unsuitable treatment is undertaken from uncertified sources. Even the ones that promise success from abortion pill reversal, cannot actually do so always. A lot depends on how soon the reversal occurred, which was done within a few hours of the Mifepristone pill and can still have health implications.

Is it Wise to Continue an Incomplete Abortion?

     After using the Cytotec abortion pill, the uterus empties quickly in a few hours. But if the pregnancy termination is not successful due to failure of the medical method or the reversal process, then it is not wise to keep such a pregnancy. It can be life-threatening for you due to profuse bleeding, intense cramps from contractions, and pain. You cannot save a pregnancy following a failed process. It is advisable to end the pregnancy through an invasive procedure in this case.


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